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From East to West: My Diary

One year after immigration to Finland, time and place specificity comes back to Aishe Vejdani's work. As any newcomer she was introduced to Finland's epic literature Kalevala. Creation of this book in its urge to preserve Finnish language and its oral literature reminded her of Iran’s epic book ‘Shahnameh’. Though there are differences between the two in their scope, time and place, nevertheless the cause is more or less the same: to protect the language and oral literature from the danger of scatter and oblivion under different government rules.

Vejdani could relate to the urge to preserve the language and oral literature. She shares this urge as an ethnic minority in Iran to preserve her Turkmen language and oral literature. Therfore Vejdani was curious in portraying this urge and exposing it to her life visually. She used some illustrations of Klevalah and Shahname stories and juxtaposed them with her family photos. This juxtapose was done by collage on her paintings.

Exhibition type:
Lauttasaaren Seurakunta Galleria, Helsinki.
Opening Dates:
22.5 - 16.6.2017
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